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Do This For A Week To Make Your Skin Look 10 Years Younger

As we age, our skin looses elasticity and its ability to restore itself, and our bodies produce less of the collagen that keeps skin looking firm, youthful, and vibrant.

The inner layer of the skin will start to become thin which decreases the skin’s ability to repair itself thus, causing wrinkles.

No one likes a wrinkled face that’s why we give you this very effective home remedy used by the Japanese women for centuries now.


– 1tablespoon of honey
– 1 tablespoon of milk
– 3 tablespoons of rice
– 1 cup of water


1. Filter the mixture and add milk and honey to the rice.

2. Mix the rice and water and boil them for 2-3 minutes.

3. Apply the mask on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes.

4. Wash your face with the water from the rice. Do this procedure weekly to ensure you maintain a young face.

Rice is known to have healing benefits that are beneficial to your skin. It aids your skin to gain complexion, smoothen it, and eliminate dark spots.

The antioxidant properties it possesses stimulates the production of new skin cells, which is important in reducing wrinkles.

Furthermore, the compound squalene, acts as a sunscreen on your skin and also repairs skin damaged by exposure to sun.

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